Cyclical Living And How Your Menstrual Cycle Could Hold The Key To Your Happiness.

Unconventional Goddess
5 min readJun 9, 2021

Whenever I think about my period, I’m irritated that I have to “endure” my menstrual cycle. With a mixture of bloating, weight gain, massive irritation and strategically situated spots on my face, it’s not what I look forward to each month.

But what if I told you that you could use your menstrual cycle to your benefit? What if it didn’t have to be a battle every month?

I’m trying become more aware of the cycles of nature and see how I can use them to work for me. In fact, after suffering burnout in 2020, I realised something had to change for me.


It’s fair to say that most of modern society is based on and suited to the male hormonal cycle. We most commonly plan our activities in 24-hour blocks. Yet research shows us that men’s hormonal turnover is within the 24-hour circadian rhythm and based on the sun.

As women in this modern world, we’re compelled to follow this rhythm, having to be at our best, be completely productive and full of energy every. single. day. It’s exhausting.

In Kate Northrup’s book, Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Ambitious Women, she talks about the addiction to busyness and the obsession with always trying to do more, which leads women, especially working mothers, to feel like they’re always failing their families, their careers, their spouses, and themselves.

Her book gives women the permission and tools to change the way they approach their lives and allow them to embrace living in tune with the cyclical nature of the feminine and each chapter gives the reader a small experiment to try and see what would happen if she did less in one specific way.


Cyclical living means that we tune in to the ebbs and flows of nature’s cycles — seasons, lunar and menstruation.

In nature, the best time to plant is during the dormant season, meaning late winter, early spring. Then we wait for plants to shoot up, grow and bloom during the hot months of summer, then we harvest in autumn/fall. During winter we leave the ground to rest for the cold months.

So as with nature, which provides the seasons for us, giving us a specific time each year to accomplish certain tasks, so too does our menstrual cycle provide best times to perform at our best. In facts we should see it as a way of working with, rather than against nature.


So as you know, a menstruating woman’s hormones correspond more with the Infradian rhythm. This is associated with the 28 days of the month/menstrual cycle and the 28 days of the lunar cycle.

There are four distinct phases to every woman’s cycle — menstrual, follicular, ovulation and luteal. Each phase aligns with the four phases of the moon and the four seasons of the year.

During these four stages, it’s best to manage your tasks and energy according to the phase you’re in:

Menstruation Phase — Days 1 to 5

During Menstruation it’s a time for deep rest, meditation and evaluating your life and goals. You might feel withdrawn, tired or sluggish. It’s a time of low oestrogen. Inward reflection is necessary and alone time is essential so cancel any plans to socialise, if you haven’t done so already. Drink plenty of water and take good, gentle care of yourself. This phase corresponds with the new moon and winter.

Follicular Phase — Days 6 to 12

During the Follicular phase, oestrogen is increasing and we have more energy. Our egg-producing follicles in our ovaries begin to mature as the ovary gets ready to release the egg. Here we start to focus on new beginnings. Start planning or brainstorming new ideas or projects. Your creativity and productivity is at its peak. This phase corresponds with the waxing quarter moon or spring.

Ovulation Phase — Days 13–18

Ovulation is a time of high energy, full engagement, attraction and connection. Our oestrogen levels are at their peak and we’re positively glowing. Our ovary releases an egg ready to be fertilised. We are physiologically, creatively and energetically more fertile. We also get a burst of testosterone around this time, leaving us feeling more confident and outgoing. We’ve come out of our shell fully and flitting around like a butterfly. Social functions, networking, collaborating on projects and communicating are the name of the game here. This phase corresponds with the full moon and summer.

Luteal Phase — Days 19–28

The Luteal phase is the longest phase of our cycle and best time to do deep work where our full focus is on detail orientated tasks and we can work to complete projects. This is because estrogen levels have started to drop whilst our bodies start producing progesterone. This causes us to slow down and this is an ideal time to work fully immersed — what a wonderfully productive time for us! We can also chill out to a Netflix series binge. This is also the time for moodiness and bloating. We probably don’t feel our prettiest and most amenable selves. This phase corresponds with the waning quarter moon or autumn.

As women, our periods impact our mood, feelings and energy. It’s worth exploring these changes to see how we can live more calm and peaceful lives, in line with our energy levels and values. Try some of these suggestions and comment on the Unconventional Goddess Community Facebook group.


Turning to nature, specifically the moon and its phases, can help us reconnect with the rhythms of our body and in turn learn to appreciate our deep femininity.

Cyclical living means we start to become more attuned to the cycles of nature and is the key to better mental and physical health, more energy, happiness, productivity, and growth. Even if your cycle isn’t lined up with the cycle of the moon, just be aware that these cycles exist and see how using these cycles can help you.

Keep checking in with yourself — ask yourself “How am I feeling today? How is my energy? What do I feel like doing?”. Trust your body, listen to your intuition. You hold the wisdom within, just make space to tune in.

Remember your hormones affect more than just your period — they affect your energy levels, skin, nutritional needs, state of mind, your sex drive and even your weight.

What would it feel like to start living with our periods rather than dreading our time of the month? Let’s relook at each phase and appreciate that it brings its own unique opportunities.


Did you know there is an actual pastime called Gardening by the Moon? Here people are encouraged to follow the phases of the Moon, and it’s an idea that has been around for as long as humans have been growing their own food.

Those who swear by this ancient growing method say the water in both the ground and in plants are affected by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon. There is a calendar for when to plant what according to the specific phase of the moon. All aboveground crops (i.e. lettuce, spinach, cabbage) should be planted when the Moon is waxing (growing brighter) while below ground crops (potatoes, carrots, turnips) do best when the Moon is waning (growing dimmer).



Unconventional Goddess

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